Hi Doug,

Thanks for the tip. After reading the documentation it makes a lot of sense

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 12:00 PM, Douglas Jacobsen <dmjacob...@lbl.gov>

> Hello,
> Do you have "PrologFlags=alloc" in slurm.conf?  If not, you'll need it,
> otherwise the privileged prologs won't run until the first step is executed
> on a node.
> -Doug
> ----
> Doug Jacobsen, Ph.D.
> NERSC Computer Systems Engineer
> National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
> <http://www.nersc.gov>
> dmjacob...@lbl.gov
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> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 11:20 AM, Yong Qin <yong....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We implemented our own private /tmp solution via a spank plugin. The
>> implementation was developed and tested on 15.08.6 and it went well.
>> However when we move it to the production system which we just upgraded to
>> 15.08.9, it appears that the slurm_spank_job_prolog() and
>> slurm_spank_task_init_privileged() functions are not executed if the job is
>> submitted via sbatch but slurm_spank_job_epilog() is. This is all fine if
>> the job is submitted via srun though.
>> I tried to search it in the bugzilla but couldn't find any report on it,
>> or maybe I'm not searching with the right keywords? If it is an existing
>> bug can anybody provide a pointer to it? If it's not a known bug, I'm
>> wondering if other sites are seeing the same behavior as we do.
>> Thanks,
>> Yong Qin

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