Hello everybody,

we are in a discussion about using slurm and I have some questions. 
If there is a more appropriate mailing list to ask these please let me know. 
Also, if this has been asked before I would appreciate any links to the 
previous discussion or documentation, I was not able to find any.

We would like to make sharing of nodes between jobs of different users
an option. With our current system (maui/troque) resource usage, i.e. 
primarily CPU time, does not appear to be billed "correctly" in this 
configuration. For example, if a job requests 4 out of 20 cores on a node 
but sets NACCESSPOLICY:SINGLEJOB as option to qsub I have been told it 
still is billed only for the 4 cores requested and not for the 20 cores 
blocked. The same appears to be true if we set the option directly in
maui.cfg, which is even worse considering the implications. The
situation could probably be mitigated by forcing the user to set 
appropriate memory resource requests at job submission time, but still
this usage computation is not what we would consider truly transparent,
especially considering the somewhat lacking documentation of "FSPOLICY

Now, after that background I hope my questions make sense in the slurm

If I understand the slurm documentation correctly the usual configuration
in slurm would be to allocate resources (i.e. whole nodes) exclusively
to a single job only. Setting select/cons_res (and subsequent
configuration of consumables) as well as OverSubscribe Yes would in
principle enable a user to decide whether to allow sharing of resources
by setting "--share/-s" or "--exclusive" as options to sbatch.

Is this correct so far ?  How is the resource usage calculated then ?

Assume a job requests only for example 4 out of 20 cores on a node, but
sets "--exclusive" effectively blocking the whole node (e.g. if user does not
want to think about memory). Would the CPU usage of that job then be 
computed based on 4 core or the 20 cores it basically prevents from being used 
by other users ? We would like to simply track cpus in TRES in this

Conversely, if slurm defaults are used and one node is allocated
exclusively to one job then the TRES to use is just "node" ?

Of course also suggestions/pointers how to better achieve this in slurm would 
be appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance !

Best Regards


Dr. rer. nat. Christof Köhler       email: c.koeh...@bccms.uni-bremen.de
Universitaet Bremen/ BCCMS          phone:  +49-(0)421-218-62334
Am Fallturm 1/ TAB/ Raum 3.12       fax: +49-(0)421-218-62770
28359 Bremen  

PGP: http://www.bccms.uni-bremen.de/cms/people/c_koehler/

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