I inspected the log file and found the error myself (it was a permissions
issue). Thanks.

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 1:17 PM, Laurent Pouilloux <
laurent.pouill...@ec-lyon.fr> wrote:

> Can you make :
> tail -f /var/log/slurmctld.log
> (or where you log file is ...) on the machine that host the slurm
> controller. Then submit a job by a user and post the new lines that should
> have appeared.
> Regards,
> Laurent Pouilloux
> Le 22/09/2016 à 18:26, Jorge Fernández de Cossío Díaz a écrit :
>> Slurm admin help: Other users can't run jobs
>> I recently setup a small cluster of 20 PCs using Slurm.
>> I can submit jobs from my user account and it works fine. But when
>> another user submits a job, sbatch doesn't complain, but the job doesn't
>> appear in the queue (or it goes away from there very quickly), and it never
>> actually runs.
>> Any ideas of what could be going on?
>> I am using Ubuntu 16.04 server 64bits on all the PCs.
> --
> Ingénieur en Calcul Scientifique
> Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d'Acoustique
> École Centrale de Lyon
> 36 Avenue Guy de Collongue, 69130 Écully
> Batiment I11 - Bureau 11097W
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