> I have a Wiki page describing how to install Munge and Slurm on CentOS 7:

Thanks Ole, there's some good notes in there I'll use.

My original question was more a packaging issue - In this case I don't
mind installing the rest of the slurm binaries, but ideally I'd like
our slurmdbd host to be just that. slurmdbd alone (and as few other
installed applications as possible).

%if %{slurm_with munge}
%package munge
Summary: Slurm authentication and crypto implementation using Munge
Group: System Environment/Base
Requires: slurm munge
BuildRequires: munge-devel munge-libs
Obsoletes: slurm-auth-munge
%description munge
Slurm authentication and crypto implementation using Munge. Used to
authenticate user originating an RPC, digitally sign and/or encrypt messages

> Requires: slurm munge
seems to be the culprit

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