
Looking at the Slurm documentation I see that it is possible to handle basic 
license management (this is the link  http://slurm.schedmd.com/licenses.html). 
In other words software licenses can be treated as a resource, however things 
appear to be fairly rudimentary at the moment - at least that's my impression. 
We are used to doing license management in moab, and if we don't have that 
properly implemented is it not the end of the world, however not ideal.

One situation that we would like to be able to deal with is a FlexLM 3 server 
redundancy situation. So, for example, our Comsol licenses are served out in 
this fashion.  Is this something that slurm can deal with, and, if so, how can 
it be done? Any advice including slurm's short comings and/or future plans in 
this respect would be useful, please.

Best regards,

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