
It’s possible “Allocate” should be DefMemPerCpu, but it isn’t. Is there a way 
to see the billed TRES values per user or account?

- Barry

> On Oct 19, 2016, at 3:27 PM, Moore II, Barry Edwin <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> At our institution we need to allocate service units which roughly translate 
> to CPU hours. I would like to be able to charge users for cpu hours and a 
> fraction of their memory usage.
> A few configuration definitions:
> DefMemPerCPU=21517 # in MB 
> TRESBillingWeights=CPU=1.0,Mem=0.25G # for the partition
> Then I submitted a job which ran:
> srun $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR/stress-1.0.4/src/stress --cpu 1 --timeout 1h
> The job should run for exactly 1 hour on 1 cpu using the default memory per 
> cpu. I then looked at the sreport entry for the job:
> sreport cluster utilization --tres="cpu,mem" Start=2016-10-19T14:00:00 
> End=2016-10-19T16:00:00 -t hours
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Cluster Utilization 2016-10-19T14:00:00 - 2016-10-19T14:59:59
> Use reported in TRES Hours
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Cluster      TRES Name Allocate      Down PLND Dow      Idle Reserved   
> Reported
> --------- -------------- -------- --------- -------- --------- -------- 
> ----------
>  cluster            cpu        1        12        0        11        0        
>  24
>  cluster            mem    20973    258215        0    237242        0     
> 516430
> I see the 1 cpu hour, but I don’t understand the mem output. Shouldn’t  the 
> “Allocate” give DefMemPerCPU*0.25? The “Reported” time looks correct (12 
> cores on the machine, sreport gathered for a 2 hour windows, therefore 12 
> CPUs * DefMemPerCPU * 2 hrs).
> Thanks,
> Barry

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