Hi folks,

When running sreport (both 14.11 and 16.05) I'm seeing "duplicate"
user info with different timings. Can someone say what's being added
up separately here - it seems to be summing something differently for
me and I can't work out what makes it split into two:

$ sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser start=2016-07-01
end=2016-10-01 account=pawsey0001 user=aelwell cluster=magnus -t h

Cluster/Account/User Utilization 1 Jul 00:00 - 30 Sep 23:59 (7948800 secs)
Time reported in CPU Hours
  Cluster         Account     Login     Proper Name       Used     Energy
--------- --------------- --------- --------------- ---------- ----------
   magnus      pawsey0001   aelwell   Andrew Elwell          2          0
   magnus      pawsey0001   aelwell   Andrew Elwell       2236          0

$ sacctmgr show assoc user=aelwell account=pawsey0001 cluster=magnus
   Cluster    Account       User  Partition     Share GrpJobs GrpNodes
 GrpCPUs  GrpMem GrpSubmit     GrpWall  GrpCPUMins MaxJobs MaxNodes
MaxCPUs MaxSubmit     MaxWall  MaxCPUMins                  QOS   Def
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------- --------
-------- ------- --------- ----------- ----------- ------- --------
-------- --------- ----------- ----------- --------------------
--------- -------------
    magnus pawsey0001    aelwell               parent
            128                                       normal
    magnus pawsey0001    aelwell     debugq    parent
              4                                       normal
    magnus pawsey0001    aelwell      workq    parent
            128                                       normal

is there a way of getting sreport to just give an aggregated total for
me, or if not, show why one "usage" is 2h, and the other 2236h?


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