Thanks Brian and Magnus for your answers. Reservations was exactly what
I was looking for. Thank you very much!

Have a nice day,

Am 01.12.2016 um 16:14 schrieb Magnus Jonsson:
> Hi!
> You could either setup a partition for your tests with group
> restrictions or you can use the reservation feature depending on your
> exact use case.
> /Magnus
> On 2016-12-01 15:54, Felix Willenborg wrote:
>> Dear everybody,
>> I'd like to restrict submissions from a certain user group or allow only
>> one certain user group to submit jobs to certain nodes. Does Slurm offer
>> groups which can handle such an occassion? It'd be prefered if there is
>> a linux user group support, because this would save time setting up a
>> new user group environment.
>> The intention is that only administrators can submit jobs to those
>> certain nodes to perform some tests, which might be disturbed by users
>> submitting their jobs to those nodes. Various Search Engines didn't
>> offer answers to my question, which is why I'm writing you here.
>> Looking forward to some answers!
>> Best,
>> Felix Willenborg

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