On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 11:16 AM, John Hearns <john.hea...@xma.co.uk> wrote:
> As I remember, in SGE and in PbsPro a job has a directory created for it on
> the execution host which is a temporary directory, named with he jobid.
> you can define int he batch system configuration where the root of these
> directories is.
> On running srun env, the only TMPDIR I see is /tmp
> I know - RTFM.  I bet I haven't realised that this si easy to set up...
> Specifically I would like a temprary job directory which is
> /local/$SLURM_JOBID
> I guess I can create this in the job then delete it, but it would be cleaner
> if the batch system deleted it and didnt allow for failed jobs or bad
> scripts leaving it on disk.

this has come up on the list a few times over the years that i can
recall, but i don't have specific pointers.  there were some pretty
fancy scripts that slurm could run to create a scratch space
allocation on the local node.  search back through the history

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