Am Wed, 25 Jan 2017 02:19:58 -0800
schrieb Pär Lindfors <>:

> We have used a work-around for several years due to Slurms Prolog
> not behaving as we need it to. Instead of configuring Prolog in
> slurm.conf, we use PrologSlurmctld

Yeah, I accidentally used that one, too, briefly, as the script code
used to be shared among the prolog/epilog scripts. Nice idea for
implementing a workaround, though. It's only a bit inconvenient having
to branch out to the nodes from the slurmctld prolog.

I'll see if I can spot the reason for the return of the node prolog
being ignored in our test cluster. If that does not yield, I'll follow
your example.

Alrighty then,


Dr. Thomas Orgis
Universität Hamburg
RRZ / Basis-Infrastruktur / HPC
Schlüterstr. 70
20146 Hamburg
Tel.: 040/42838 8826
Fax: 040/428 38 6270

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