"Vicker, Darby (JSC-EG311)" <darby.vicke...@nasa.gov> writes:

[snip (54 lines)]

> In the end, I just took the debug nodes out of the normal partition.  In other
> words, we have debug nodes 24/7.  This was the simplest thing to do to avoid 
> the
> redefinition of partitions via cron as Gary suggested.  Our cluster has grown
> quite a bit since we first set up this debug standing reservation so having
> dedicated debug nodes isn't as big of a deal for us now.  But if there is an
> elegant way to accomplish the same setup under slurm, I would appreciate 
> knowing
> how to do that.

[snip (27 lines)]

We used to have dedicated partition with a couple of test/debug nodes.
Now, however, we have moved to a single partition and have defined a QOS
for short run-times which has an much larger priority weight than the
standard QOS.  This allows users to, say, run tests of large MPI jobs.
The total number of jobs a user can have in the test/debug QOS is



Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de

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