Hi Hans,

You log shows that you slurm.conf is out-of-sync on some nodes, is that on purpose?

What happens when you synchronise the slurm.conf on all nodes, restart slurmctld and restart slurmd on all nodes?



On 06-02-17 15:45, Hans-Nikolai Viessmann wrote:
Hi all,

Over the weekend I tried to setup Gres device type allocation but stumbled
onto a bit of a problem.

The setup I'm working with is a cluster with Bright Cluster Manager
setup and
managing in total 10 nodes. Eight of these nodes contain GPUs - gpu[01-07]
contains one GPU each, whereas gpu08 contains two GPUs. The GPUs in
gpu08 are not the same, one is a Tesla device and the other a Quadro.
The other
two nodes have MICs on them, but these have not been configured yet.

Some software version information:

  * Bright Cluster Manager: 7.3 running on SL 7.2
  * SLURM: 16.05.2

As per https://slurm.schedmd.com/gres.html, I setup my slurm.conf file
to have the
Gres line with the type specification - excerpt (full slurm.conf attached):

# Nodes
NodeName=gpu08  Feature=multiple-gpus Gres=gpu:tesla:1,gpu:quadro:1
NodeName=gpu[01-07]  Gres=gpu:1
# Generic resources types

and on node08 I added to the gres.conf file the following configuration:

Name=gpu File=/dev/nvidia0 Type=tesla
Name=gpu File=/dev/nvidia1 Type=quadro

/I added nothing into the controller gres.conf file./

I believe that these settings/type information has propagated to slurmctld
as calling sinfo gives the following output:

$ sinfo -o "%10P %.5a %.15l %.6D %.6t %25G %N"
longq         up      7-00:00:00      1  drain (null)
longq         up      7-00:00:00      1  alloc gpu:1
longq         up      7-00:00:00      6   idle gpu:1
longq         up      7-00:00:00      1   idle gpu:tesla:1,gpu:quadro:1
longq         up      7-00:00:00      1   idle (null)
testq*        up           15:00      1  drain (null)
testq*        up           15:00      1  alloc gpu:1
testq*        up           15:00      6   idle gpu:1
testq*        up           15:00      1   idle gpu:tesla:1,gpu:quadro:1
testq*        up           15:00      1   idle (null)

When I try to allocate the resource using salloc, I get the following
error message

$ salloc --gres=gpu:tesla:1
salloc: error: Job submit/allocate failed: Requested node configuration
is not available
salloc: Job allocation 544 has been revoked.

Doing a normal allocation without the`--gres=<>' flag works, but when I
try the following
it fails as well:

$ salloc -w gpu08 --gres=gpu:1
salloc: error: Job submit/allocate failed: Requested node configuration
is not available
salloc: Job allocation 545 has been revoked.

Activating the DebugFlag Gres provides the following output in the
slurmctld.log file:

[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990] gres/gpu: state for gpu08
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   gres_cnt found:2 configured:2 avail:2 alloc:0
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   gres_bit_alloc:
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   gres_used:(null)
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   topo_cpus_bitmap[0]:NULL
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   topo_gres_bitmap[0]:0
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   topo_gres_cnt_alloc[0]:0
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   topo_gres_cnt_avail[0]:1
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   type[0]:tesla
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   topo_cpus_bitmap[1]:NULL
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   topo_gres_bitmap[1]:1
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   topo_gres_cnt_alloc[1]:0
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   topo_gres_cnt_avail[1]:1
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   type[1]:quadro
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   type_cnt_alloc[0]:0
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   type_cnt_avail[0]:1
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   type[0]:tesla
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   type_cnt_alloc[1]:0
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   type_cnt_avail[1]:1
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   type[1]:quadro
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990] gres/mic: state for gpu08
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   gres_cnt found:0 configured:0 avail:0 alloc:0
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   gres_bit_alloc:NULL
[2017-02-06T14:22:46.990]   gres_used:(null)

So here I am, a bit stumbled.

Having said that, is there something wrong with my configuration? Am I
anything or overlooked something?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

Hans Viessmann

P.s. please find attached the slurm.conf file, the slurmctld.log file,
and gres.conf

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