
We have slurm 16.05.4 and the latest version of Abaqus we use is 6.14. I
remember running into a similar problem with Abaqus so I wrote some bad bash to
populate the host list file; http://www.tchpc.tcd.ie/node/1261

The github script seems to be doing something similar but in a better way.

Yes, I too remember thinking it was poorly designed or implemented in Abaqus at
that time too.



On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 03:16:09AM -0800, John Hearns wrote:

> I would guess quite a few sites are using Abaqus with Slurm. I would be 
> grateful for some pointers on the submission scripts for MPI parallel Abaqus 
> runs.
> I am setting up Abaqus version 6.14-1 on a system with Slurm 16.05 and an 
> Omnipath interconnect.
> Specifically I am using this script to create the mp_host_list and to add it 
> to the abaqus_v6.env file
> https://github.com/nesi/hpc-workflows/blob/master/EnvironmentSetupScripts/slurm_setup_abaqus-env.sh
> This just seems to go against the grain with me - Abaqus seems to be 'LSF 
> aware' and can create mp_host_list when run with LSF.
> Is Abaqus not more 'slurm aware' ??
> If the advice is 'use the 2016 version' then this advice will be hoisted 
> aboard.
> John H
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Sean McGrath M.Sc

Systems Administrator
Trinity Centre for High Performance and Research Computing
Trinity College Dublin



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