AFAIK, sbatch and friends don't allow "preferences" when submitting jobs to multiple "clusters/partitions". Theoretically you could define a different QOS for each workload, but either that QOS would be valid for all nodes/partitions, or it would be the same as submitting to a single partition (group of nodes).

The other mechanism allowing some preferential treatment of nodes is "WEIGHT", but this one is generic to all jobs - all jobs would prefer the higher wight nodes, and I don't know of a qos that can add weight to nodes, to be assigned to both a job and a partition to bridge that gap.

I think building a qos extension would be the "best" generic solution, but not necessarily the easiest to implement.

On 04/04//2017 18:42, wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for advice regarding what would be the easiest way to realize the following:

I'm running Slurm to manage a heterogenous Cluster featuring a multitude of different Nodes with specific Features and Hardware Details. I'm currently using Slurm 15.08.7 since some of my Nodes run pretty Old Ubuntus (14.04 oldest). I also know power and runtime levels for all possible Workloads that could be submitted to my Cluster. This Data was created via predetermined tests.

Now i would like to utilize this data to chose the best (based on different criterias) available target node for each workload upon submission.
What would be the easiest way to implement said behaviour?
Would writing a custom Scheduler-Plugin be suitable? Or would it be easier to implement a front-end running programm that receives input similar to slurm and forwards commands based on some internal selection algorithms?

I have not looked closer into tweaking Slurm further than basic slurm.conf edits and would like to receive advice on which approach seems more suitable... And maybe starting points.

Thanks in advance,

M. Wagner

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