On 15-07-17 02:35, Wensheng Deng wrote:
Make sure the FUTURE node is not included in any partition.

This could be the cause, since we have a partition with Nodes=ALL.

Since I'd rather avoid having to specify nodes individually, I guess we're better off either disabling slurmd on the new nodes or removing them from the definition or defining them with State=DOWN instead of State=FUTURE. Is one of these options better than the other? (I guess the problem referred to by Ole may require the nodes to be defined in advance so a restart of the slurmd on all nodes can be scheduled?)

Are there any "best practices" for preparing to add new nodes?


Robbert Eggermont                                  Intelligent Systems
r.eggerm...@tudelft.nl         Electr.Eng., Mathematics & Comp.Science
+31 15 27 83234                         Delft University of Technology

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