Just because there is a ping connection doesn't mean that slurmctld can talk to the Slurm clients. Look for a firewall between the server and the nodes that is blocking the port used by Slurm.

On 08/24/2017 02:19 AM, nir wrote:
Hi All

I'm new here its my 1st time :-) . happy to meet u
not sure if its the right mail list
let me ask pls

i have such problem :

slurm server ip
compute nodes

Until yesterday the compute nodes were in the same VLAN as the slurm , but i had to move them to new VLAN. After i moved them there is ping connection between slurm server and the compute nodes and reverse. slurm.conf was updated at slurm server and compute nodes with the new IP Address.

When changing the state of the compute nodes to IDLE they looks ok for some time - 1, 2 , 5 minutes and then goes DOWN

The error at slurm server slurmctld shows nodes not responding..

Does anyone had such issue or any have any idea how can be solved ?

Thank u !!

Best  Regards
Nir         Arbel

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