
I am developing a Spank plugin which starts a privileged process once per
node. This process will perform some work that require privileges like
write frequency, read devices, etc.

I know I have the option of run it when Slurm Daemon is started in a node
and loads the Spank plugin. But I would prefer just to run it when its
necesary using some flag (srun --flag).

Because I want to start it one time per node I'm thinking which could be
the best way to achieve that. In remote context I have the function
slurm_spank_task_init_privileged(), but it's executed by every node task
and I want to start it just once, just one process instance. These are my

1) Using little maths to get the number of tasks per node and calc the
minimum task number, which would be my selected task. For example, 4 tasks
and 2 nodes, the tasks 0 and 2 would run my privileged process. But I'm not
pretty sure that task numbers will follow always this pattern. And of
course is someone runs 3 tasks in first node and 1 in the second one, this
has no sense.

2) Some kind of inter process sync, or file block... to prevent that no
other task in the same machine has started my process yet.

Any better ideas?

Thank you,


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