Thanks for your patience and persistence. I’ll find a place to post your 
experiences to help others as they navigate these waters.

> On Nov 28, 2017, at 8:52 PM, Philip Kovacs <> wrote:
> I doubled checked and yes, you definitely want the pmix headers and libpmix 
> library installed before you configure slurm.
> No need to use --with-pmix if pmix is installed in standard system locations. 
> Configure slurm and it will see the pmix 
> installation.  After configuring slurm, but before installing it, manually 
> remove the pmix versions of* and*. 
> Install slurm and use its versions of those libs.  Test every mpi variant 
> seen when you run `srun --mpi=list hostname`.  
> You should see pmi2 and pmix in that list and several others.   The pmix 
> option will invoke a slurm plugin that is linked 
> directly to the library.  If you favor using the pmix versions of 
> pmi/pmi2, sounds like you'll get better performance
> when using pmi/pmi2, but as mentioned, you would want to test every mpi 
> variant listed to make sure everything works.
> On Tuesday, November 28, 2017 9:57 PM, "" 
> <> wrote:
> My apologies - I guess we hadn’t been tracking it that way. I’ll try to add 
> some clarification. We presented a nice table at the BoF and I just need to 
> find a few minutes to post it.
> I believe you do have to build slurm against PMIx so that the pmix plugin is 
> compiled. You then also have to specify --mpi=pmix so slurm knows to use that 
> plugin for this specific job.
> You actually might be able to use the PMIx backward compatibility, and you 
> might want to do so with slurm 17.11 and above as Mellanox did a nice job of 
> further optimizing launch performance on IB platforms by adding fabric-based 
> collective implementations to the pmix plugin. If you replace the slurm 
> libpmi and libpmi2 with the ones from PMIx, what will happen is that PMI and 
> PMI2 calls will be converted to their PMIx equivalent and passed to the pmix 
> plugin. This lets you take advantage of what Mellanox did.
> The caveat is that your MPI might ask for some PMI/PMI2 feature that we 
> didn’t implement. We have tested with MPICH as well as OMPI and it was fine - 
> but we cannot give you a blanket guarantee (e.g., I’m pretty sure MVAPICH 
> won’t work). Probably safer to stick with the slurm libs for that reason 
> unless you test to ensure it all works.
>> On Nov 28, 2017, at 6:42 PM, Paul Edmon < 
>> <>> wrote:
> Okay, I didn't see any note on the PMIx 2.1 page about versions of slurm it 
> was combatible with so I assumed all of them.  My bad.  Thanks for the 
> correction and the help.  I just naively used the rpm spec that was packaged 
> with PMIx which does enable the legacy support.  It seems best then to let 
> PMIx handle pmix solely and let slurm handle the rest.  Thanks!
> Am I right in reading that you don't have to build slurm against PMIx?  So it 
> just interoperates with it fine if you just have it installed and specify 
> pmix as the launch option?  That's neat.
> -Paul Edmon-
> On 11/28/2017 6:11 PM, Philip Kovacs wrote:
>> Actually if you're set on installing pmix/pmix-devel from the rpms and then 
>> configuring slurm manually,
>> you could just move the pmix-installed versions of* and 
>>* to a safe place, configure
>> and install slurm which will drop in its versions pf those libs and then 
>> either use the slurm versions or move
>> the the pmix versions of libpmi and libpmi2 back into place in /usr/lib64. 
>> On Tuesday, November 28, 2017 5:32 PM, Philip Kovacs <> 
>> <> wrote:
>> This issue is that pmi 2.0+ provides a "backward compatibility" feature, 
>> enabled by default, which installs
>> both and in addition to  The route with the 
>> least friction for you would probably
>> be to uninstall pmix, then install slurm normally, letting it install its 
>> libpmi and libpmi2.  Next configure and compile
>> a custom pmix with that backward feature _disabled_, so it only installs 
>>   Slurm will "see" the pmix library
>> after you install it and load it via its plugin when you use --mpi=pmix.   
>> Again, just use the Slurm pmi and pmi2 and 
>> install pmix separately with the backward compatible option disabled.
>> There is a packaging issue there in which two packages are trying to install 
>> their own versions of the same files.  
>> That should be brought to attention of the packages.  Meantime you can work 
>> around it.
>> For PMIX:
>> ./configure --disable-pmi-backward-compatibility // ... etc ...
>> On Tuesday, November 28, 2017 4:44 PM, Artem Polyakov <> 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hello, Paul
>> Please see below.
>> 2017-11-28 13:13 GMT-08:00 Paul Edmon < 
>> <>>:
>> So in an effort to future proof ourselves we are trying to build Slurm 
>> against PMIx, but when I tried to do so I got the following:
>> Transaction check error:
>>   file /usr/lib64/ from install of slurm-17.02.9-1fasrc02.el7.cen 
>> tos.x86_64 conflicts with file from package pmix-2.0.2-1.el7.centos.x86_64
>>   file /usr/lib64/ from install of slurm-17.02.9-1fasrc02.el7.cen 
>> tos.x86_64 conflicts with file from package pmix-2.0.2-1.el7.centos.x86_64
>> This is with compiling Slurm with the --with-pmix=/usr option.  A few things:
>> 1. I'm surprised when I tell it to use PMIx it still builds its own versions 
>> of libpmi and pmi2 given that PMIx handles that now.
>> PMIx is a plugin and from multiple perspectives it makes sense to keep the 
>> other versions available (i.e. backward compat or perf comparison) 
>> 2. Does this mean I have to install PMIx in a nondefault location?  If so 
>> how does that work with user build codes?  I'd rather not have multiple 
>> versions of PMI around for people to build against.
>> When we introduced PMIx it was in the beta stage and we didn't want to build 
>> against it by default. Now it probably makes sense to assume --with-pmix by 
>> default.
>> I'm also thinking that we might need to solve it at the packagers level by 
>> distributing "slurm-pmix" package that is builded and depends on the pmix 
>> package that is currently shipped with particular Linux distro.
>> 3.  What is the right way of building PMIx and Slurm such that they 
>> interoperate properly?
>> As for now it is better to have a PMIx installed in the well-known location. 
>> And then build your MPIs or other apps against this PMIx installation.
>> Starting (I think) from PMIx v2.1 we will have a cross-version support that 
>> will give some flexibility about what installation to use with application,
>> Suffice it to say little to no documentation exists on how to properly this, 
>> so any guidance would be much appreciated.
>> Indeed we have some problems with the documentation as PMIx technology is 
>> relatively new. Hopefully we can fix this in near future.
>> Being the original developer of the PMIx plugin I'll be happy to answer any 
>> questions and help to resolve the issues.
>> -Paul Edmon-
>> -- 
>> С Уважением, Поляков Артем Юрьевич
>> Best regards, Artem Y. Polyakov

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