
slurmdb has been running on the same EL7 mariadb since slurm 14. All
upgrades up to 17.02 were ok until 17.11. Nothing has changed on the
database. I did see a note on the news page below about 17.11 upgrade and
mysql 5.1 issues but no remedy was mentioned. I'm on mariadb 5.5.



I don't have support but was able to revert.


> On 05/07/2018 10:19 PM, Tina Fora wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I upgraded from 17.02.10 to 17.11.5 on EL6.9 and getting the errors
>> below.
>> Database is on EL7 mariadb-5.5>
> Migrating to a new version of MySQL/MariaDB requires further steps on
> the database (unrelated to Slurm).  You must run:
> mysql_upgrade
> as described in
> https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/upgrading-from-mysql-to-mariadb/.
> I've made notes of this in my Slurm Wiki:
> https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/niflheim/Slurm_installation#upgrade-of-mysql-mariadb
> /Ole

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