Mahmood, please please forgive me for saying this.  A quick Google shows
that Opteron 61xx have eight or twelve cores.
Have you checked that all the servers have 12 cores?
I realise I am appearing stupid here.

On 11 July 2018 at 10:39, Mahmood Naderan <> wrote:

> >Try running    ps -eaf --forest   while a job is running.
> noor 30907 30903  0 Jul10 ?        00:00:00  \_ /bin/bash
> /var/spool/slurmd/job00749/slurm_script
> noor 30908 30907  0 Jul10 ?        00:00:00      \_ g09 trimmer.gjf
> noor 30909 30908 99 Jul10 ?        4-13:00:21          \_
> /usr/local/chem/g09-64-D01/l703.exe 2415919104 trimmer.chk 1 /st
> Nonetheless, that doesn't fit in the terminal's window.
> >are we getting mixed up between hyperthreaded and physical cores here?
> CPUs are Opteron 61XX. So, hyperthreading is not applicable here.
> Regards,
> Mahmood

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