Hi All,

Verbose mode doesn't show much.
I hashed out the hostnames.
Any ideas/suggestions?

# srun hostname
^Csrun: interrupt (one more within 1 sec to abort)
srun: task 0: unknown
[1]+  Stopped                 srun hostname

# srun -v hostname
srun: defined options for program `srun'
srun: --------------- ---------------------
srun: user           : `root'
srun: uid            : 0
srun: gid            : 0
srun: cwd            : /root
srun: ntasks         : 1 (default)
srun: nodes          : 1 (default)
srun: jobid          : 4294967294 (default)
srun: partition      : default
srun: profile        : `NotSet'
srun: job name       : `(null)'
srun: reservation    : `(null)'
srun: burst_buffer   : `(null)'
srun: wckey          : `(null)'
srun: cpu_freq_min   : 4294967294
srun: cpu_freq_max   : 4294967294
srun: cpu_freq_gov   : 4294967294
srun: switches       : -1
srun: wait-for-switches : -1
srun: distribution   : unknown
srun: cpu_bind       : default (0)
srun: mem_bind       : default (0)
srun: verbose        : 1
srun: slurmd_debug   : 0
srun: immediate      : false
srun: label output   : false
srun: unbuffered IO  : false
srun: overcommit     : false
srun: threads        : 60
srun: checkpoint_dir : /var/slurm/checkpoint
srun: wait           : 0
srun: nice           : -2
srun: account        : (null)
srun: comment        : (null)
srun: dependency     : (null)
srun: exclusive      : false
srun: bcast          : false
srun: qos            : (null)
srun: constraints    :
srun: geometry       : (null)
srun: reboot         : yes
srun: rotate         : no
srun: preserve_env   : false
srun: network        : (null)
srun: propagate      : NONE
srun: prolog         : (null)
srun: epilog         : (null)
srun: mail_type      : NONE
srun: mail_user      : (null)
srun: task_prolog    : (null)
srun: task_epilog    : (null)
srun: multi_prog     : no
srun: sockets-per-node  : -2
srun: cores-per-socket  : -2
srun: threads-per-core  : -2
srun: ntasks-per-node   : -2
srun: ntasks-per-socket : -2
srun: ntasks-per-core   : -2
srun: plane_size        : 4294967294
srun: core-spec         : NA
srun: power             :
srun: remote command    : `hostname'
srun: Waiting for nodes to boot (delay looping 450 times @ 0.100000 secs x 
srun: Nodes ####### are ready for job
srun: jobid 50871: nodes(1):`#######', cpu counts: 64(x1)
srun: launching 50871.0 on host #######, 1 tasks: 0
srun: route default plugin loaded
srun: error: timeout waiting for task launch, started 0 of 1 tasks
srun: Job step 50871.0 aborted before step completely launched.
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
srun: error: Timed out waiting for job step to complete


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