
I hope this is a quick question.

The way I read the man page (srun/sbatch), I should be allowed a request like


to get either a broadwell or a haswell node, or not? (I mean yes, assuming 
nodes with that feature exists).

I can't get that to work; when I try, I get this:

srun -C "broadwell|haswell" --pty /bin/bash
srun: error: Unable to allocate resources: Invalid KNL configuration (MCDRAM or 
NUMA option)

Both 'srun -C "broadwell" .... and 'srun -C "haswell" ...'  work, i.e. I can 
request either a broadwell or a haswell node. 

I can get the '&' operator to work just fine - e.g. 

srun -C "broadwell&E5-2640v4" --pty /bin/bash

works as expected. 

So what am I doing wrong with the 'or'?

This is slurm 17.11.8, btw.

(And yes, I have the 'knl_generic' plugin enabled; there were some KNL nodes, 
although they are no longer there. Still, I'm not even requesting 'knl' here?)

Google didn't really yield anything, so I thought asking might be quicker.


Tina Friedrich, Snr HPC Systems Administrator, Advanced Research Computing
Research Computing and Support Services, Academic IT 
IT Services, University of Oxford 

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