The documentation indicates you need it everywhere:

"Changes to the configuration file take effect upon restart of Slurm daemons, 
daemon receipt of the SIGHUP signal, or execution of the command "scontrol 
reconfigure" unless otherwise noted."

I have vague memories of not being able to schedule any jobs if it’s missing, 
but it’s been awhile now.

> On Jan 17, 2019, at 4:52 PM, Prentice Bisbal <> wrote:
> And a follow-up question: Does topology.conf need to be on all the nodes, or 
> just the slurm controller? It's not clear from that web page. I would assume 
> only the controller needs it.
> Prentice
> On 1/17/19 4:49 PM, Prentice Bisbal wrote:
>> From
>>> Note that compute nodes on switches that lack a common parent switch can be 
>>> used, but no job will span leaf switches without a common parent (unless 
>>> the TopologyParam=TopoOptional option is used). For example, it is legal to 
>>> remove the line "SwitchName=s4 Switches=s[0-3]" from the above 
>>> topology.conf file. In that case, no job will span more than four compute 
>>> nodes on any single leaf switch. This configuration can be useful if one 
>>> wants to schedule multiple phyisical clusters as a single logical cluster 
>>> under the control of a single slurmctld daemon.
>> My current environment falls into the category of multiple physical clusters 
>> being treated as a single logical cluster under the control of a single 
>> slurmctld daemon. At least, that's my goal.
>> In my environment, I have 2 "clusters" connected by their own separate IB 
>> fabrics, and one "cluster" connected with 10 GbE. I have a fourth cluster 
>> connected with only 1GbE. For this 4th cluster, we don't want jobs to span 
>> nodes, due to the slow performance of 1 GbE. (This cluster is intended for 
>> serial and low-core count parallel jobs) If I just leave those nodes out of 
>> the topology.conf file, will that have the desired affect of not allocating 
>> multi-node jobs to those nodes, or will it result in an error of some sort?

|| \\UTGERS,     |---------------------------*O*---------------------------
||_// the State  |         Ryan Novosielski -
|| \\ University | Sr. Technologist - 973/972.0922 (2x0922) ~*~ RBHS Campus
||  \\    of NJ  | Office of Advanced Research Computing - MSB C630, Newark

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