Slurm should automatically block or reject jobs that can't run on that
partition in terms of memory usage for a single node. So you shouldn't
need to do anything. If you need something less than the max memory per
node then you will need to enforce some limits. We do this via a
jobsubmit lua script. That would be my recommended method.
-Paul Edmon-
On 3/12/19 12:31 PM, David Baker wrote:
I have set up a serial queue to run small jobs in the cluster.
Actually, I route jobs to this queue using the job_submit.lua script.
Any 1 node job using up to 20 cpus is routed to this queue, unless a
user submits their job with an exclusive flag.
The partition is shared and so I defined memory to be a resource. I've
set default memory/cpu to be 4300 Mbytes. There are 40 cpus installed
in the nodes and the usable memory is circa 17200 Mbytes -- hence my
default mem/cpu.
The compute nodes are defined with RealMemory=190000, by the way.
I am curious to understand how I can impose a memory limit on the jobs
that are submitted to this partition. It doesn't make any sense to
request more than the total usable memory on the nodes. So could
anyone please advise me how to ensure that users cannot request more
than the usable memory on the nodes.
Best regards,
PartitionName=serial nodes=red[460-464] Shared=Yes MaxCPUsPerNode=40
DefaultTime=02:00:00 MaxTime=60:00:00 QOS=serial
SelectTypeParameters=CR_Core_Memory *DefMemPerCPU=4300* State=UP
AllowGroups=jfAccessToIridis5 PriorityJobFactor=10 PreemptMode=off