
I'm trying to use BurstBuffer with the generic plugin according to the latest
BurstBufferGuide[1]. But I have failed to do it.
The generic plugin was probably loaded correctly. But, it seemed that 
was not applied. Because script files specified to BurstBuffer operations (e.g. 
had not been called.

My configuration steps were same as BurstBufferGuide.

1. Specify the generic plugin in slurm.conf.
2. Create a burst_buffer.conf in the same directory as slurm.conf.
3. Restart slurmctld and slurmd.
4. Specify #BB directive in the job script, and execute BurstBuffer operations. 
(e.g. stage_in)

It seems that codes about the generic plugins were deleted by the following 
This commit is contained in version 16.05 and higher.

Can I use the generic plugin in the latest version of Slurm?
If the generic plugins is still available, should I add other settings?


Best Regards,
Rikimaru Honjo

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