On Sat, 2019-06-29 at 07:57 -0700, Brian Andrus wrote:
> I believe you are referring to an interactive terminal window.
> You can do that with srun --pty bash
> Windows themselves are not handled by slurm at all. To have multiple 
> windows is a function of your workstation. You would need multiple 
> connections to the cluster (eg: multiple ssh windows with multiple ssh 
> connections)
> In each ssh session, execute 'srun --pty' and you will have an 
> interactive session on the cluster. You would, of course, need any other 
> options for partitions, timelimit, etc.
> That being said, this is usually NOT the way to approach a solution via 
> a cluster. Clusters are meant to be something that does all the work for 
> you while you are away (hence the batch concept). You likely want to 
> look at getting your code to run without human interference and send it 
> off to do so.

Sorry, I am only trying to look at the output from my program, it is a
batch computation program that outputs some text line.

srun --pty does not open another window. 

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