Thanks. Singularity seems to be interesting. I will try it.


On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 2:49 PM Christoph Brüning <> wrote:

> Dear Mahmood,
> Docker is somewhat tricky, because it needs a daemon running and there
> is no fine grained control over who is allowed to start and stop
> containers. Also getting the container on the node can be unpleasant
> (docker hub? private registry? build docker containers on the node
> before running them?). I would recommend against it!
> However, there are projects like Singularity or Charliecloud designed to
> bring the "bring your own environment" idea to HPC.
> We have Singularity installed, and some of our users use it. It seems to
> work reasonably well, as I have heard no complaint except that the
> available version is somewhat outdated...
> Best,
> Christoph
> On 19/09/2019 10.08, Mahmood Naderan wrote:
> > Hi
> > The question is not directly related to Slurm, but is actually related
> > to the people in this community.
> >
> > For heterogeneous environments, where different operating systems,
> > application and library versions are needed for HPC users, I would like
> > to know it using docker/containers is better than yielding virtual
> machines?
> >
> > Actually, it is lighter than VM, however, I haven't seen a docker image
> > for Matlab for example. If that is possible, can Slurm be used to
> > schedule containers?
> > If someone has any experience using docker in HPC clusters, please let
> > me know.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Mahmood
> >
> >
> --
> Dr. Christoph Brüning
> Universität Würzburg
> Rechenzentrum
> Am Hubland
> D-97074 Würzburg
> Tel.: +49 931 31-80499

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