
I have just started to take a look at Slurm v19* with a view to an upgrade 
(most likely in the next year). My reaction is that Slurm very rarely provides 
an estimated start time for a job. I understand that this is not possible for 
jobs on hold and dependent jobs. On the other hand I've just submitted a set of 
simple test jobs to our development cluster, and I see that none of the queued 
jobs have an estimated start time. These jobs haven't been queuing for too long 
(30 minutes or so). That is...

[root@headnode-1 slurm]# squeue --start
             JOBID PARTITION     NAME     USER ST          START_TIME  NODES 
                12     batch    myjob  hpcdev1 PD                 N/A      1 
(null)               (Resources)
                13     batch    myjob  hpcdev1 PD                 N/A      1 
(null)               (Resources)
                14     batch    myjob  hpcdev1 PD                 N/A      1 
(null)               (Resources)
                15     batch    myjob  hpcdev1 PD                 N/A      1 
(null)               (Resources)

Is this what others see or are there any recommended configurations/tips/tricks 
to make sure that slurm provides estimates? Any advice would be appreciated, 

Best regards,

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