Hi, all I want to configure generic consumable resources(gpu) and confirm that the resources are assigned to jobs on each node.
I executed the following settings. o gres.conf Name=gpu File=/dev/tty[0-3] CPUs=[0-24] Name=gpu File=/dev/tty[4-7] CPUs=[25-47] o slurm.conf TaskPlugin=task/affinity,task/cgroup  GresTypes=gpu  NodeName=sl02-c00[1-2] Gres=gpu:2 o cgroup.conf CgroupAutomount=yes ConstrainCores=yes ConstrainDevices=yes Then I submitted a sleep job with the gpu resource specified. $ cat gresgpu.sh #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J gresgpu # Job name #SBATCH --gres=gpu:2 #SBATCH -o job.%j.out # Name of stdout output file (%j expands to jobId) prun sleep 60 $ Return value of ReqGres was 0. I don't know why it return value of ReqGres is 0. $ sbatch gresgpu.sh Submitted batch job 72 $ squeue -l Fri Oct 4 14:14:36 2019 JOBID PARTITION NAME USER STATE TIME TIME_LIMI NODES NODELIST(REASON) 72 normal gresgpu test RUNNING 0:01 1-00:00:00 1 c001 $ sacct -j 72 -a -X -o jobid,partition,ReqGRES,AllocGRES,stat JobID Partition ReqGRES AllocGRES State ------------ ---------- ------------ ------------ ---------- 72 normal gpu:0 gpu:2 RUNNING $ Regards, Tomo