We also use lmod here. Very useful when different versions are needed or
for any software installations outside the distribution.

However, our environment is heterogenous, and the software modules might
have different versions/paths on different nodes. This creates an issue
when users run 'module load something' on the submission node, and then run
srun/sbatch and the wrong module is loaded (or just the wrong PATH is kept).
To solve this (in an overly complicated manner..) we have a taskprolog
plugin and a spank plugin that: a. resets the modules at submission, and b.
let the user add "--module <something>" to the srun/sbatch so that the
appropriate module will be loaded on the nodes.

On Sat, Nov 23, 2019 at 11:55 AM William Brown <will...@signalbox.org.uk>

> Agreed, I have just been setting up Lmod on a national compute cluster
> where I am a non-privileged cluster and on an internal cluster where I have
> full rights.  It works very well, and Lmod can read theTcl module files
> also.  The most recent version has some extra features specially for
> Slurm.  An I use EasyBuild, saves hundreds of hours of effort.   I do quite
> often have to hand create simple module files for software with no
> EasyConfig but I can just copy the structure from module files created by
> EasyBuild so it has never been a great problem.
> The best bit of modules is being able to offer multiple conflicting
> versions of software like Java, Perl, R etc.
> William
> On Sat, 23 Nov 2019 at 03:57, Chris Samuel <ch...@csamuel.org> wrote:
>> On 22/11/19 9:37 am, Mariano.Maluf wrote:
>> > The cluster is operational but I need to install and configure
>> > environment modules.
>> If you use Easybuild to install your HPC software then it can take care
>> of the modules too for you.  I'd also echo the recommendation from
>> others to use Lmod.
>> Website: https://easybuilders.github.io/easybuild/
>> Documentation: https://easybuild.readthedocs.io/
>> All the best,
>> Chris
>> --
>>   Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA


  /|       |
  \/       | Yair Yarom | Senior DevOps Architect
  []       | The Rachel and Selim Benin School
  [] /\    | of Computer Science and Engineering
  []//\\/  | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  [//  \\  | T +972-2-5494522 | F +972-2-5494522
  //    \  | ir...@cs.huji.ac.il
 //        |

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