On 19/2/20 6:10 am, Ricardo Gregorio wrote:

I am putting together an upgrade plan for slurm on our HPC. We are currently running old version 17.02.11. Would you guys advise us upgrading to 18.08 or 19.05?

Slurm versions only support upgrading from 2 major versions back, so you could only upgrade from 17.02 to 17.11 or 18.08. I'd suggest going straight to 18.08.

Remember you have to upgrade slurmdbd first, then upgrade slurmctld and then finally the slurmd's.

Also, as Ole points out, 20.02 is due out soon at which point 18.08 gets retired from support, so you'd probably want to jump to 19.05 from 18.08.

Don't forget to take backups first! We do a mysqldump of the whole accounting DB and rsync backups of our state directories before an upgrade.

Best of luck!
 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

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