Ole Holm Nielsen <ole.h.niel...@fysik.dtu.dk> writes:

> You may use the (undocumented) format=... option to select only the

A while ago, after meticulous study of the man page, I discovered that
the format option is not actually undocumented, it is just very well
hidden. :) All that "man sacctmgr" says about it is

       When using the format option for listing various fields you can
       put a %NUMBER afterwards to specify how many characters should be 

       e.g. format=name%30 will print 30 characters of field name right
       justified.  A -30 will print 30  characters left justified.

(in addition to using it in a couple of examples). :)

Bjørn-Helge Mevik, dr. scient,
Department for Research Computing, University of Oslo

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