For CentOS/RHEL, it is in the OpenFusion repo:


    yum install


    yum install libjwt-devel

Brian Andrus

On 4/18/2020 2:27 PM, Daniel Letai wrote:

in v20.02 you can use jwt, as per

Only issue is getting libjwt for most rpm based distros.

The current libjwt configure;make dist-all doesn't work.

I had to cd into dist, and 'make rpm' to create the spec file, then rpmbuild -ba after placing the tar gz file in the SOURCES dir of rpmbuild tree.

Possibly just installing libjwt manually is easier for image based clusters.


On 17/04/2020 22:42, Dean Schulze wrote:
Is there an alternative to munge when running slurm?  Munge issues are a common problem in slurm, and munge doesn't give any useful information when a problem occurs.  An alternative that at least gave some useful information when a problem occurs would be a big improvement.


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