We are pleased to announce the availability of Slurm version 20.02.2.

This includes a series of moderate and minor fixes since the last maintenance releases for both branches.

Slurm can be downloaded from https://www.schedmd.com/downloads.php .

- Tim

Tim Wickberg
Chief Technology Officer, SchedMD LLC
Commercial Slurm Development and Support

* Changes in Slurm 20.02.2
 -- Fix slurmctld segfault when checking no_consume GRES node allocation counts.
 -- Fix resetting of cloud_dns on a reconfigure.
 -- squeue - change output for dependency column to use "(null)" instead of ""
    for no dependncies as documented in the man page, and used by other columns.
 -- Clear node_cnt_wag after job update.
 -- Fix regression where AccountingStoreJobComment was not defaulting to 'yes'.
 -- Send registration message immediately after a node is resumed.
 -- Cray - Fix hetjobs when using only a single component in the step launch.
 -- Cray - Fix hetjobs launched without component 0.
 -- Cray - Quiet cookies missing message which is expected on for hetjobs.
 -- Fix handling of -m/--distribution options for across socket/2nd level by
    task/affinity plugin.
 -- Fix grp_node_bitmap error when slurmctld started before slurmdbd.
 -- Fix scheduling issue when there are not enough nodes available to run a job
    resulting in possible job starvation.
 -- Make it so mpi/cray_shasta appears in srun --mpi=list
 -- Don't requeue jobs that have been explicitly canceled.
 -- Fix error message for a regular user trying to update licenses on a running
 -- Fix backup slurmctld handling for logrotation via SIGUSR2.
 -- Fix reservation feature specification when looking for inactive features
    after active features fails.
 -- Prevent misleading error messages for reservation creation.
 -- Print message in scontrol when a request fails for not having enough nodes.
 -- Fix duplicate output in sacct with multiple resv events.
 -- auth/jwt - return correct gid for a given user. This was incorrectly
    assuming the users's primary group name matched their username.
 -- slurmrestd - permit non-SlurmUser/root job submission.
 -- Use host IP if hostname unknown for job submission for allocating node.
 -- Fix issue with primary_slurmdbd_resumed_operation trigger not happening
    on slurmctld restart.
 -- Fix race in acct_gather_interconnect/ofed on step termination.
 -- Fix typo of SlurmctldProlog -> PrologSlurmctld in error message.
 -- slurm.spec - add SuSE-specific dependencies for optional slurmrestd package.
 -- Fix FreeBSD build issues.
 -- Fixed sbatch not processing --ignore-pbs in batch script.
 -- Don't clear the qos_id of an invalid QOS.
 -- Allow a job that was once FAIL_[QOS|ACCOUNT] to be eligible again if
    the qos|account limitation is remedied.
 -- Fix core reservations using the FLEX flag to allow use of resources
    outside of the reservation allocation.
 -- Fix MPS without File with 1 GPU, and without GPUs.
 -- Add FreeBSD support to proctrack/pgid plugin.
 -- Fix remote dependency testing for meta job in job array.
 -- Fix preemption when dealing with a job array.
 -- Don't send remote non-pending singleton dependencies on federation update.
 -- slurmrestd - fix crash on empty query.
 -- Fix race condition which could lead to invalid references in backfill.
 -- Fix edge case in _remove_job_hash().
 -- Fix exit code when using --cluster/-M client options.
 -- Fix compilation issues in GCC10.
 -- Fix invalid references when federated job is revoked while in backfill loop.
 -- Fix distributing job steps across idle nodes within a job.
 -- Fix detected floating reservation overlapping.
 -- Break infinite loop in cons_tres dealing with incorrect tasks per tres
    request resulting in slurmctld hang.
 -- Send the current (not the previous) reason for a pending job to client
    commands like squeue/scontrol.
 -- Fix incorrect lock levels for select_g_reconfigure().
 -- Handle hidden nodes correctly in slurmrestd.
 -- Allow sacctmgr to use MaxSubmitP[U|A] as format options.
 -- Fix segfault when trying to delete a corrupted association.
 -- Fix setting ntasks-per-core when using --multithread.
 -- Only override job wait reason to priority if Reason=None or
 -- Perl API / seff - fix missing symbol issue with accounting_storage/slurmdbd.
 -- slurm.spec - add --with cray_shasta option.
 -- Downgrade "Node config differ.." error message if config_overrides enabled.
 -- Add client error when using --gpus-per-socket without --sockets-per-node.
 -- Fix nvml/rsmi debug statements making it to stderr.
 -- NodeSets - fix slurmctld segfault in newer glibc if any nodes have no
    defined features.
 -- ConfigLess - write out plugstack config to correct config file name in
    the config cache.
 -- priority/multifactor - gracefully handle NULL list of associations or array
    of siblings when calculating FairTree fairshare.
 -- Fix cons_tres --exclusive=user to allocate only requested number of CPUs.
 -- Add MySQL deadlock detection and automatic retry mechanism.
 -- Reject repeating floating reservations as they aren't supported.
 -- Fix testing of reservation flags that may be NO_VAL64.
 -- Fix _verify_node_state memory requested as --mem-per-gpu DefMemPerGPU.
 -- Fix DependencyNeverSatisfied not set as the job's state reason if >     
kill_invalid_depend or --kill-on-invalid-dep are used.
 -- pam_slurm_adopt - explicitly call slurm_conf_init().
 -- configless - fix plugstack.conf handling for client commands.
 -- Set SLURM_JOB_USER and SLURM_JOB_UID in task_epilog correctly.
 -- slurmrestd - authenticate job submissions by SlurmUser properly.

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