If you want everything good, you will want to dump/import before starting to use the new database.

If they are the same versions of mysql/mariadb, I would merely rsync the database folders over and then start the db.

One potential gotcha is the jobid starting over/being different. Make sure you set that in the slurm.conf to continue the numbering from where you left off so there are no entries in accounting that get replaced.

Brian Andrus

On 7/8/2020 3:15 AM, Simon Kainz wrote:

we have a long-running slurm cluster, accounting into slurmdbd/mysql
backend on the cluster master.

We recently installed a new system, now with a dedicated, separate
logging host, also with mysql backend.

How could i, preferably without losing accounting data, move the logging
information from the old system into the new one?

Just changing the logging config on the old system, adding the old
system via sacctmgr and then dumping/importing the relevant tables into
the new host?

Are there any pitfalls to this idea?

Thank you in advance,


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