A trick you can use to reset certain users (which I have used before) is to simply delete them from the slurmdb and then readd them.  At least under the other fairshare system, which is what our site uses, that would remove their usage and they would have 0 usage when they returned.  I'm assuming fairtree works the same way.

-Paul Edmon-

On 7/16/2020 5:49 AM, Gestió Servidors wrote:


I will try to explain an scenario that occurs in my SLURM cluster. An important number of users (accounts) belongs to students of a certain subject. That subject is 6 month duration. When subject end, I “reset” user folders, clean all data, reset passwords and, in next academic year, I offer same users (accounts) to new students, so they have their $HOME cleans and no old data. However, in SLURM, what old users could execute modified values we can seen in “sshare -l -a”, specifically “RawUsage, NormUsage, EffectvUsage, FairShare, LevelFS”. After reading some documents, I “understand” that these values are calculated to give more or less priority to a user (account) job depending its features, cluster use, total number of CPUs, cores, etc... so, when new users take that accounts, that values should be reset as a new user in the cluster... but I think that new users are dragging from the past.

My slurm.conf contains these parameters:












As you can see, “PriorityUsageResetPeriod” is configured as QUARTERLY, so after reading some documents and examples, I “think” that fair-share tree, priorities and user assigned job priority is “reset” and turned to initial values... Am I wrong or am I in the correct way?

But, either way, I would like to reset that values only for some users (accounts), not for all SLURM users/accounts. Is it possible?


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