Yes. It is located in the /etc/slurm directory



From: slurm-users <> On Behalf Of Brian 
Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2020 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [slurm-users] CUDA environment variable not being set


do you have your gres.conf on the nodes also?

Brian Andrus
On 10/8/2020 11:57 AM, Sajesh Singh wrote:
Slurm 18.08
CentOS 7.7.1908

I have 2 M500 GPUs in a compute node which is defined in the slurm.conf and 
gres.conf of the cluster, but if I launch a job requesting GPUs the environment 
variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES Is never set and I see the following messages in 
the slurmd.log file:

debug:  common_gres_set_env: unable to set env vars, no device files configured

Has anyone encountered this before?

Thank you,


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