On 2020/10/20 11:50, Christopher Samuel wrote:

I forgot I do have access to a SLES15 SP1 system, that has:

# rpm -q libmunge2 --provides
libmunge2 = 0.5.14-4.9.1
libmunge2(x86-64) = 0.5.14-4.9.1
munge-libs = 0.5.14

# rpm -q libmunge2

So that _looks_ like it should satisfy the dependency.  Is the
--provides different for your SLES provided RPM?


The ISOs I had access to from our build server - so some combo of
these (and probably the last of the four for anything munge):


only have, as listed before, Munge 0.5.13.

But again, your SLES15 SP1 munge RPMs *won't* have been built
directly from the source tarball (rpmbuild -ta) because the
SPEC file inside it is, according to Chris Dunlap, for systemd
CentOS & Fedora environments, though he packages an extra (non
default) one for SysV CentOS (read 6.x).

Your SLES15 SP1 munge RPMs will have been built from the tarball,
buat against the SUSE-maintained SPEC file (rpmbuild -ba) and/or
a tarball at SUSE that's had their SPEC file "promoted" into the
top-level directory

Supercomputing Systems Administrator
Pawsey Supercomputing Centre

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