We're doing something similar. We're continuing to run production on 17.x
and have set up a new server/cluster  running 20.x for testing and MPI app

Our plan had been to add recently purchased nodes to the new cluster, and
at some point turn off submission on the old cluster and switch everyone
to  submission on the new cluster (new login/submission hosts). That way
previously submitted MPI apps would continue to run properly. As the old
cluster partitions started to clear out we'd mark ranges of nodes to drain
and move them to the new cluster.

We've since decided to wait until January, when we've scheduled some
downtime. The process will remain the same wrt moving nodes from the old
cluster to the new, _except_ that everything will be drained, so we can
move big blocks of nodes and avoid slurm.conf Partition line ugliness.

We're starting with a fresh database to get rid of the bug
induced corruption that prevents GPUs from being fenced with cgroups.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2020 at 8:28 AM navin srivastava <navin.alt...@gmail.com>

> Dear All,
> Currently we are running slurm version 17.11.x and wanted to move to 20.x.
> We are building the New server with Slurm 20.2 version and planning to
> upgrade the client nodes from 17.x to 20.x.
> wanted to check if we can upgrade the Client from 17.x to 20.x directly or
> we need to go through 17.x to 18.x and 19.x then 20.x
> Regards
> Navin.

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