One thing you will start finding in HPC is that, by it's goal, hyperthreading is usually a poor fit.

If you are properly utilizing your cores, your jobs will actually be slowed by using hyperthreading.  They are not 'extra' cores, but a method of swapping a core to a different workload during an idle cycle. The operative word being 'idle'. The goal of HPC is get resource usage as close to 100% as possible, so there should be no 'idle' cycles.

From Intel's own info:

    With CPU Hyper-Threading, a PC can process more information in less time and run more background tasks without disruption.

In HPC, we have no background tasks (excluding daemons and such on the node), so you have little to nothing that can be improved. You end up allocating some of the various Core memory to secondary tasks instead of allowing more of it to be used by your primary task, leading to more fetches, wasting effort.

This is a VERY simplistic description, but the point is that hyperthreading is not a silver bullet that will improve HPC performance if you are maximizing your resource utilization.

Ok, I will get off my soapbox :)

Brian Andrus

On 11/4/2020 7:30 AM, Jean-Christophe HAESSIG wrote:

I would like to make good use of hyperthreaded processors and I already
skimmed through a quantity of posts and documentation.

It is pretty clear that Slurm likes to allocate processing units up to
the core level, and to be able to allocate threads one has to either :
- not declare Sockets/Core/Threads at all, only CPUS and use
- resort to some trickery to declare threads as cores

However, the two options have shortcomings :
By not declaring S/C/T, options like --ntasks-per-core seem to get
ignored, but some programs would benefit from being able to be isolated
on their cores.
Not declaring S/C/T (e.g. C=C*T;T=1) as they are in reality also seems
to mess up CPU binding since Slurm does not have a real view on the
node's topology.

When S/C/T are properly declared (with SelectTypeParameters=
CR_Core_Memory), I run into other problems since the allocator thinks I
want 2 CPUS even if I asked for --ntasks=1. In combination with --mem-
per-cpu, this leads to twice memory allocated as was asked for (which
resembles bug #3879).

Finally, while the documentation explains in several places that
processing units should be allocated best by core, I miss an
explanation on why.

Any other options/advice ? Feel free to correct me if I didn't get
something right.

J.C. Haessig

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