That flow is fairly common.

Basically, you need to get the environment alias 'module' to be defined so you need your script to source things.

The common thing is to:

    source ~/.bash_profile

On default RHEL-based systems this will also call ~/.bashrc which in turn calls ~/etc/bashrc

The net effect is that the environment gets setup the same as if the user had opened a shell console.

Brian Andrus

On 1/26/2021 2:13 AM, Gestió Servidors wrote:


My environment is this:

  * Users are using “bash” as the default shell
  * A sample of one of my environment modules is this:



## modules modulefile


## modulefiles/modules.  Generated from by configure.


set ModulesVersion      "3.2.10"

proc ModulesHelp { } {

        global version prefix

        puts stderr "\tOpenMPI - $version"

        puts stderr "\n\tThis adds $prefix/* to several of the"

        puts stderr "\tenvironment variables."

        puts stderr "\n\tVersion $version\n"


module-whatis   "Loads OpenMPI 3.0.0 environment"

# for Tcl script use only

set     version         3.0.0

set     prefix /soft/openmpi-${version}

set     exec_prefix     ${prefix}

set     datarootdir ${prefix}/share

prepend-path    PATH ${exec_prefix}/bin

prepend-path    LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${prefix}/lib

prepend-path    INCLUDE_PATH ${prefix}/include

  * “module” command itself is processed in /etc/profile.d/
    with this script:


# system-wide profile.modules                                          #

# Initialize modules for all sh-derivative shells                      #


trap "" 1 2 3


case "$0" in

    -bash|bash|*/bash) . $MODULES/bash ;;

       -ksh|ksh|*/ksh) . $MODULES/ksh ;;

          -sh|sh|*/sh) . $MODULES/sh ;;

                    *) . $MODULES/sh ;;         # default for scripts


# Update MODULESPATH environment. /usr/share/modules/init/.modulepath


module use $MMODS/compilers $MMODS/parallel

module use $MMODS/libraries $MMODS/applications $MMODS/tools

#module unuse /usr/share/modules /usr/share/modulefiles

# load site specific modules

module load modules

# source .modules in the user's home directory, if it exists

if [ -r ~/.modules ]; then

. ~/.modules


trap - 1 2 3

  * In the SLURM submit scripts, users have to add an explicit
    “/source /soft/modules-3.2.10/Modules/3.2.10/init/bash/”, and
    after this line, users can load modules in the way “module load

Is there any bad configuration??


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