
export SLURM_WHOLE=1

before your salloc and see if that helps. I have seen some mpi issues that were resolved with that.

You can also try it using just the regular mpirun on the nodes allocated. That will help with a datapoint as well.

Brian Andrus

On 2/4/2021 4:55 PM, Andrej Prsa wrote:
Hi Brian,

Thanks for your response!

Did you compile slurm with mpi support?


andrej@terra:~$ srun --mpi=list
srun: MPI types are...
srun: cray_shasta
srun: none
srun: pmi2
srun: pmix
srun: pmix_v4

Your mpi libraries should be the same as that version and they should be available in the same locations for all nodes. Also, ensure they are accessible (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc are set)

They are: I have openmpi-4.1.0 installed cluster-wide. Running jobs via rsh across multiple nodes works just fine, but through slurm they do not (within salloc):

mpirun -mca plm rsh -np 384 -H node15:96,node16:96,node17:96,node18:96 python # works mpirun -mca plm slurm -np 384 -H node15:96,node16:96,node17:96,node18:96 python # doesn't work

Thus, I believe that mpi works just fine. I passed this by the ompi-devel folks and they are convinced that the issue is in slurm configuration. I'm trying to figure out what's causing this error to pop up in the logs:

mpi/pmix: ERROR: Cannot bind() UNIX socket /var/spool/slurmd/stepd.slurm.pmix.841.0: Address already in use (98)

I wonder if the culprit is how srun calls openmpi's --bind-to?

Thanks again,

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