On 4/8/21 9:50 AM, Simone Riggi wrote:
I write you about how to properly setup slurmrestd.
2) Installed slurm with:

rpmbuild -ta slurm-20.11.5.tar.bz2 --with mysql --with slurmrestd --with jwt

I don't see this "--with jwt" in the slurm.spec file:

[slurm-20.11.5]# grep "# --with" slurm.spec
# --with cray           %_with_cray 1           build for a Cray Aries system
# --with cray_network %_with_cray_network 1 build for a non-Cray system with a Cray network
# --with cray_shasta    %_with_cray_shasta 1    build for a Cray Shasta system
# --with slurmrestd     %_with_slurmrestd 1     build slurmrestd
# --with slurmsmwd      %_with_slurmsmwd 1      build slurmsmwd
# --without debug       %_without_debug 1       don't compile with debugging 
# --with hdf5           %_with_hdf5 path        require hdf5 support
# --with hwloc          %_with_hwloc 1          require hwloc support
# --with lua            %_with_lua path         build Slurm lua bindings
# --with mysql          %_with_mysql 1          require mysql/mariadb support
# --with numa           %_with_numa 1           require NUMA support
# --without pam         %_without_pam 1         don't require pam-devel RPM to 
be installed
# --without x11         %_without_x11 1         disable internal X11 support
# --with ucx            %_with_ucx path         require ucx support
# --with pmix           %_with_pmix path        require pmix support


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