Hi wenxia...@126.com,

What is your full DNS domain name, and is /etc/resolv.conf consistent with your DNS? It seems to me that your DNS server is named "slurmctld-source":
NS      slurmctld-source.
so you may have an error in the DNS setup.

The DNS SRV record can be looked up by:

$ host -t SRV _slurmctld._tcp.<your-DNS-domain>

This also works using the DNS search domains specified in /etc/resolv.conf:

$ host -t SRV _slurmctld._tcp

In our cluster both of the above commands work correctly when executed on the cluster nodes.

I hope this helps.


On 4/19/21 10:41 AM, 刘文晓 wrote:
Hi list,

I configured the DNS as below, foundthe Slurm could not find the IP of ctld.

add below to the file :/etc/named.conf

zone "slurmctld-source" IN {

type master;

file "slurmctld-source.zone";


and add below file /var/named/slurmctld-source.zone:


@       IN SOA   . . (

                                         0       ; serial

                                         1D      ; refresh

                                         1H      ; retry

                                         1W      ; expire

                                         3H )    ; minimum

         NS slurmctld-source.

ns      A

_slurmctld._tcp 3600 IN SRV 10 0 6817

                3600 IN SRV 0 0 6817

The configuration can only use the below command :

host -t SRV _slurmctld._tcp.slurmctld-source

in Slurm code, the logic like use below command to get ctld info, it failed:

host -t SRV _slurmctld._tcp

how can I change the configuration to get Ctld info by using the short query info?

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