Probably need to define the problem a bit better.  spreport has very good
functionality, see the boom of the man page for examples.  You can group
orgs in accounting groups to map like use and use wckeys to provide
accounting for specific users billing groups.  Configure tres billing to
get a chargeback/shareback view.  Recently found this very good site on
chargeback with tools to help.  Usage Charging Policy - ULHPC Technical
Documentation ( <>

Hope it helps.


On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 3:10 PM Sid Young <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is there a way to define an effective "usage rate" of a HPC Cluster using
> the data captured in the slurm database.
> Primarily I want to see if it can be helpful in presenting to the
> business a case for buying more hardware for the HPC  :)
> Sid Young

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