On 5/11/21 4:47 am, Diego Zuccato wrote:

How can Slurm detect such an old HWLOC version?

Looking at the code it's not actually checking the hwloc version, it's finding an error condition and suggesting that may be the cause, but it sounds like it's not for you.

src/plugins/task/cgroup/task_cgroup_cpuset.c :

        /* should never happen in normal scenario */
        if ((sock_loop > npdist) && !hwloc_success) {
                /* hwloc_get_obj_below_by_type() fails if no CPU set
                 * configured, see hwloc documentation for details */
                error("hwloc_get_obj_below_by_type() failing, "
"task/affinity plugin may be required to address bug "
                      "fixed in HWLOC version 1.11.5");
                return XCGROUP_ERROR;
        } [...]

If you've got support from SchedMD open a bug with them, but if not and you're using the Debian packages I'd suggest opening a bug with Debian about it.

Best of luck!
 Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

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