Hello all,

I am working on compiling the latest version of Slurm 21 and am running into an 
issue when compiling with the --with-munge flag. I was previously able to 
compile Slurm 20 and older versions on the same node without issue.

The node I am using for compilation has Munge installed via RPM:
# rpm -qa | grep munge

When running the ./configure with --with-munge=/usr/lib64, the configure fails 
with the message:
configure: error: unable to locate munge installation

I’ve tried a few different locations just as a test including specifying the 
libmunge.so location directly, /usr/bin/munge, /usr/include/munge.h, and a few 
others and got the same message every time.
I have compiled several versions of Slurm in the past but this is the first 
time I am running into this configure error which has me stumped.

If I am missing something or not specifying the correct location, please let me 
know! Any other ideas are also welcome.

Thank you,
Jonathan Casco

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