We are pleased to announce the availability of Slurm version 21.08.5.

This includes a number of moderate severity fixes since the last maintenance release a month ago.

And, as it appears to be _en vogue_ to discuss log4j issues, I'll take a moment to state that Slurm is unaffected by the recent log4j disclosures. Slurm is written in C, does not use log4j, and Slurm's logging subsystems are not vulnerable to the class of issues that have led to those exploits.

Slurm can be downloaded from https://www.schedmd.com/downloads.php .

- Tim

Tim Wickberg
Chief Technology Officer, SchedMD LLC
Commercial Slurm Development and Support

* Changes in Slurm 21.08.5
 -- Fix issue where typeless GRES node updates were not immediately reflected.
 -- Fix setting the default scrontab job working directory so that it's the home
    of the different user (-u <user>) and not that of root or SlurmUser editor.
 -- Fix stepd not respecting SlurmdSyslogDebug.
 -- Fix concurrency issue with squeue.
 -- Fix job start time not being reset after launch when job is packed onto
    already booting node.
 -- Fix updating SLURM_NODE_ALIASES for jobs packed onto powering up nodes.
 -- Cray - Fix issues with starting hetjobs.
 -- auth/jwks - Print fatal() message when jwks is configured but file could
    not be opened.
 -- If sacctmgr has an association with an unknown qos as the default qos
    print 'UNKN-###' instead of leaving a blank name.
 -- Correctly determine task count when giving --cpus-per-gpu, --gpus and
    --ntasks-per-node without task count.
 -- slurmctld - Fix places where the global last_job_update was not being set
    to the time of update when a job's reason and description were updated.
 -- slurmctld - Fix case where a job submitted with more than one partition
    would not have its reason updated while waiting to start.
 -- Fix memory leak in node feature rebooting.
 -- Fix time limit permanetly set to 1 minute by backfill for job array tasks
    higher than the first with QOS NoReserve flag and PreemptMode configured.
 -- Fix sacct -N to show jobs that started in the current second
 -- Fix issue on running steps where both SLURM_NTASKS_PER_TRES and
 -- Handle oversubscription request correctly when also requesting
 -- Correctly detect when a step requests bad gres inside an allocation.
 -- slurmstepd - Correct possible deadlock when UnkillableStepTimeout triggers.
 -- srun - use maximum number of open files while handling job I/O.
 -- Fix writing to Xauthority files on root_squash NFS exports, which was
    preventing X11 forwarding from completing setup.
 -- Fix regression in 21.08.0rc1 that broke --gres=none.
 -- Fix srun --cpus-per-task and --threads-per-core not implicitly setting
    --exact. It was meant to work this way in 21.08.
 -- Fix regression in 21.08.0 that broke dynamic future nodes.
 -- Fix dynamic future nodes remembering active state on restart.
 -- Fix powered down nodes getting stuck in COMPLETING+POWERED_DOWN when job is
    cancelled before nodes are powering up.

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