Okay, I verified the MultipleFiles approach on a testing slurm install with 1 control computer and two nodes and it works (with ConstrainDevices=yes)!

    Name=gpu Type=3090 MultipleFiles=/dev/nvidia0,/dev/dri/card1,/dev/dri/renderD128     Name=gpu Type=3090 MultipleFiles=/dev/nvidia1,/dev/dri/card2,/dev/dri/renderD129

I could attach with various --gres=gpu:3090:* configs - one card, two cards, and I always got access only to the files belonging the the acquired cards - both in CUDA applications (nvidia*), in EGL (card*) or in VAAPI-accelerated ffmpeg (renderD*; these should also be what Vulkan uses, as I found out). With nvidia cards, it works flawlessly. I had a problem with i915 integrated GPU on a testing notebook - I could set it up as a gres (without the nvidia* device), I could claim it or use the renderD* device in ffmpeg, but VirtualGL did not run on the card* device...

With slurm 20.11, you get an unpleasant behavior of the environment variables, though. CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and SLURM_STEP_GPUS contain garbage. On a 2-GPU machine, CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5 and SLURM_STEP_GPUS=0,1,128,1,2,129. However, this bug got fixed in 21.08. And I think a workaround for 20.11 would be to just pick every 3rd value from these lists in a prolog script.

One last thing to mention - for the card* and renderD* devices to work in slurm, you have to set them to mode 666 in the phyiscal node machines. cgroups will take care about blacklisting the non-claimed devices. Also don't forget to add /dev/dri/card* and /dev/dri/renderD* to /etc/slurm/cgroup_allowed_devices_file.conf .

Now, the only thing that remains to verify is that the mapping between nvidiaX and cardX devices doesn't change with reboots. I wasn't able to find any documentation about how are either of these devices enumerated. On all machines I could access, the cardX and renderDY devices follow the same order, and I'd bet that it's given (as the render node is created by the same driver as the cardX device). Although you can't simply say Y=X+128 (see the example from my previous email where card0 doesn't have any renderD). Experimentally, the order is not the PCI Bus ID order (0000:01:00.0 has card2, while 0000:41:00.0 has card1 on one machine). On all machines I could access, it also seemed to me that the relative order between nvidiaX and cardX devices remains the same. However, I know people say the ordering of nvidiaX devices can change between reboots (or at least I think I saw something like that written somewhere). Anyone has a pointer to more information?

Let me know if somebody else succeeds setting this up!


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