Hi Hermann,

>> So you both are happily(?) ignoring this warning the "Prolog and Epilog 
>> Guide",
>> right? :-)
>> "Prolog and Epilog scripts [...] should not call Slurm commands (e.g. squeue,
>> scontrol, sacctmgr, etc)."
> We have probably been doing this since before the warning was added to
> the documentation.  So we are "ignorantly ignoring" the advice :-/

Same here :) But if $SLURM_JOB_STDOUT is not defined as documented … what can 
you do.

>> May I ask how big your clusters are (number of nodes) and how heavily they 
>> are
>> used (submitted jobs per hour)?

We have around 500 nodes (mostly 2x18 cores). Jobs ending (i.e. calling the 
epilog script) varies quite a lot between 1000 and 15k a day, so something in 
between 40 and 625 Jobs/hour. During those peaks Slurm can become noticeably 
slower, however usually it runs fine.


> Am 16.09.2022 um 15:15 schrieb Loris Bennett <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de>:
> Hi Hermann,
> Hermann Schwärzler <hermann.schwaerz...@uibk.ac.at 
> <mailto:hermann.schwaerz...@uibk.ac.at>> writes:
>> Hi Loris,
>> hi Sebastian,
>> thanks for the information on how you are doing this.
>> So you both are happily(?) ignoring this warning the "Prolog and Epilog 
>> Guide",
>> right? :-)
>> "Prolog and Epilog scripts [...] should not call Slurm commands (e.g. squeue,
>> scontrol, sacctmgr, etc)."
> We have probably been doing this since before the warning was added to
> the documentation.  So we are "ignorantly ignoring" the advice :-/
>> May I ask how big your clusters are (number of nodes) and how heavily they 
>> are
>> used (submitted jobs per hour)?
> We have around 190 32-core nodes.  I don't know how I would easily find
> out the average number of jobs per hour.  The only problems we have had
> with submission have been when people have written their own mechanisms
> for submitting thousands of jobs.  Once we get them to use job array,
> such problems generally disappear.
> Cheers,
> Loris
>> Regards,
>> Hermann
>> On 9/16/22 9:09 AM, Loris Bennett wrote:
>>> Hi Hermann,
>>> Sebastian Potthoff <s.potth...@uni-muenster.de> writes:
>>>> Hi Hermann,
>>>> I happened to read along this conversation and was just solving this issue 
>>>> today. I added this part to the epilog script to make it work:
>>>> # Add job report to stdout
>>>> StdOut=$(/usr/bin/scontrol show job=$SLURM_JOB_ID | /usr/bin/grep StdOut | 
>>>> /usr/bin/xargs | /usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN { FS = "=" } ; { print $2 }')
>>>> NODELIST=($(/usr/bin/scontrol show hostnames))
>>>> # Only add to StdOut file if it exists and if we are the first node
>>>> if [ "$(/usr/bin/hostname -s)" = "${NODELIST[0]}" -a ! -z "${StdOut}" ]
>>>> then
>>>>   echo "################################# JOB REPORT 
>>>> ##################################" >> $StdOut
>>>>   /usr/bin/seff $SLURM_JOB_ID >> $StdOut
>>>>   echo 
>>>> "###############################################################################"
>>>>  >> $StdOut
>>>> fi
>>> We do something similar.  At the end of our script pointed to by
>>> EpilogSlurmctld we have
>>>   OUT=`scontrol show jobid ${job_id} | awk -F= '/ StdOut/{print $2}'`
>>>   if [ ! -f "$OUT" ]; then
>>>     exit
>>>   fi
>>>   printf "\n== Epilog Slurmctld
>>> ==================================================\n\n" >>  ${OUT}
>>>   seff ${SLURM_JOB_ID} >> ${OUT}
>>>   printf
>>> "\n======================================================================\n"
>>>>> ${OUT}
>>>   chown ${user} ${OUT}
>>> Cheers,
>>> Loris
>>>>   Contrary to what it says in the slurm docs 
>>>> https://slurm.schedmd.com/prolog_epilog.html  I was not able to use the 
>>>> env var SLURM_JOB_STDOUT, so I had to fetch it via scontrol. In addition I 
>>>> had to
>>>> make sure it is only called by the „leading“ node as the epilog script 
>>>> will be called by ALL nodes of a multinode job and they would all call 
>>>> seff and clutter up the output. Last thing was to check if StdOut is
>>>> not of length zero (i.e. it exists). Interactive jobs would otherwise 
>>>> cause the node to drain.
>>>> Maybe this helps.
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Sebastian
>>>> PS: goslmailer looks quite nice with its recommendations! Will definitely 
>>>> look into it.
>>>> --
>>>> Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster
>>>> WWU IT
>>>> Sebastian Potthoff (eScience / HPC)
>>>>  Am 15.09.2022 um 18:07 schrieb Hermann Schwärzler 
>>>> <hermann.schwaerz...@uibk.ac.at>:
>>>>  Hi Ole,
>>>>  On 9/15/22 5:21 PM, Ole Holm Nielsen wrote:
>>>>  On 15-09-2022 16:08, Hermann Schwärzler wrote:
>>>>  Just out of curiosity: how do you insert the output of seff into the 
>>>> out-file of a job?
>>>>  Use the "smail" tool from the slurm-contribs RPM and set this in 
>>>> slurm.conf:
>>>>  MailProg=/usr/bin/smail
>>>>  Maybe I am missing something but from what I can tell smail sends an 
>>>> email and does *not* change or append to the .out file of a job...
>>>>  Regards,
>>>>  Hermann
> -- 
> Dr. Loris Bennett (Herr/Mr)
> ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de 
> <mailto:loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de>

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